The Arrival of The Magi:
Mary must have been both pleased and startled at the arrival of the magi. Strangers from a distant land, these astrologers had read in the stars God’s good news that a king had been born, and they did not hesitate to undertake the long arduous journey to give homage to this new leader. The contrasts between Mary and her wealthy, learned visitors could not have been greater, and yet both had responded to God’s promptings. Are we like the Magi, responsive to God’s calls to action that come from the world around us? Soil erosion, air pollution, water scarcity and climate change are among the many aspects of ecology that require our consideration. On an individual level, are we mindful of generating waste and making efforts to recycle? As Pope Francis reminded us in Laudato Si, “The world is a gift we have freely received and must share with others.”