Last week’s news told of the deaths of Guatemalan townspeople, victims of a volcanic eruption. Later in the week we learned of the deaths of two celebrities, fashion designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, both of whom died by suicide. Such news can leave us feeling overwhelmed and isolated, but Jesus has promised us that we are never alone. The familiar icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help offers us a visual reminder of this sustaining connection. Mary holds the Infant Jesus who has turned to her for comfort as he anticipates his eventual suffering and death, foreshadowed in the instruments of the Passion held by angels. Both Mary and Jesus have their faces turned toward us, reminding us that they are not strangers to our sorrow and that there is no concern we cannot share with them. As we bring our concerns to Jesus and to Mary, we know that we are all siblings. Let us pray for the dead and take notice of those we interact with each day: engaging in genuine conversation, providing a listening ear and lending support by personal interaction and referrals to professional resources for those who seem to be in danger of harming themselves.